
Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNAE)
Hauptstraße 5
53604 Bad Honnef

Register of associations: 815
Register court: Göttingen local court

Represented by:
President: Prof. Dr. Martin Lohse
Secretary General: Prof. Dr. Michael Dröscher


phone: +49 2224901480
fax: +49 2224 9014819

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNAE)
Hauptstraße 5
53604 Bad Honnef

Project management, texts: Lilo Berg Media, Berlin
Layout & Design: puredesign Bielefeld, Berlin
Programming: Birdfish Internet & Multimedia, Königswinter, Kappeln
Website support: Beyond Imagination – Kommunikation & Design, Berlin

Picture credits

Start page

  • Heribert Hofer 2022 © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Günther Hasinger © Paul Glaser
  • School Programme 2022: A brief portrait of all teams © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Bärbel Friedrich © Vincent Leifer
  • Leopoldina © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin


  • Call for Peace © Lindauer Nobelpreisträger-Tagungen
  • Lorenz Oken, Max Planck and Friedrich Gauss © Alamy Stock Photo
  • Lise Meitner and Klaus von Klitzing © Max Planck Society
  • Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard © famous geneticists
  • Alexander von Humboldt, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Werner von Siemens and Justus von Liebig © Wikipedia
  • Audimax, award ceremony and school trip © GDNÄ
  • Science in picture © GDNÄ
  • Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard © L’Oréal / Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
  • Become a member © Adobe
  • Armin Maiwald © David Ausserhofer


  • Günther Hasinger © Paul Glaser
  • Thomas Mettenleiter © Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut
  • Prof. Dr. Bärbel Friedrich © Vincent Leifer
  • Robert Dunkelmann © Robert Kraemer GmbH & Co. KG
  • Liane G. Benning © Phil Dera
  • Heribert Hofer 2022 © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Eva Maria Neher © Universität Göttingen/Peter Heller
  • Armin Maiwald © David Ausserhofer
  • Professor Alexander Böker © Fraunhofer IAP | Kristin Stein
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Höhle © Ernst Kascynki
  • Professor Hartman © Universität des Saarlandes
  • Angelika Brandt © Privat
  • Paul Mühlenhoff © Stefan Diesel
  • Barbara Albert © UDE
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer © Fraunhofer IESE
  • Heike Rauer © DLR
  • Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker © Michael Till / LMU
  • School Programme 2022: A brief portrait of all teams © Webster2703 / Pixabay
  • Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla © DLR
  • Heribert Hofer 2022 © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Martin Lohse 2022 © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Rainer Blatt © C. Lackner
  • Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim © David Ausserhofer/Wissenschaft im Dialog
  • Vier Tage von A bis Z
  • Ein Fest in Bildern © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Kamera © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Martin Lohse 2022 © MIKA-fotografie | Berlin
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla © DLR
  • Harald Fritzsch © Rotary Magazin
  • Professor Jörg Vogel © HIRI
  • From the commemorative volume for the great anniversary of the GDNÄ. © Thomas Liebscher, Passage-Verlag
  • Professor Jörg Junhold © Zoo Leipzig
  • Discussion panel at the June 2022 meeting © Michael Dröscher
  • Matthias Röschner © Deutsches Museum
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Dröscher © GDNÄ
  • Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Neher © Nds. Staatskanzlei
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Lohse © Bettina Flitner
  • Neue Umfrage von „Wissenschaft im Dialog © WiD
  • Stuart S. P. Parkin © Sven Doering
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Floege © J. Floege
  • Dieter Oesterhelt © MPI für Biochemie
  • Der Wissenschaftshistoriker Prof. Dr. Dietrich von Engelhardt © Institut für Medizingeschichte und Wissenschaftsforschung Lübeck
  • Tina Romeis © IPB
  • Thomas Elsaesser © Max-Born-Institut / Ralf Günther
  • Wolfgang T. Donner © GDNÄ
  • Meeresbiologin Angelika Brandt © Privat
  • Wilhelm Füßl © Deutsches Museum, München
  • Wolfgang Lubitz © MPI CEC
  • Prof. Kagermann, Prof. Wahlster, HANNOVER MESSE 2015 © dfki
  • Professor Tausch in seinem Büro © Nico Meuter
  • Paul J. Crutzen © Gerhard Leber / imago images
  • Logo © “I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here“
  • Wolfgang Gerok © Privat
  • Kongresshalle am Zoo Leipzig © Leipziger Messe
  • Hyänen-Zwillingspärchen © Marion L. East und Heribert Hofer
  • Heribert Hofer © Ralf Günther/Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.
  • Fascination 3D printer © Deutsche Telekom Stiftung
  • Jürgen Tautz. © Ingo Arndt
  • Collecting bee approaching a golden-rue blossom. © Ingo Arndt
  • Pollen collecting honeybee on a cherry blossom. © Ingo Arndt
  • The digital beehive of the St. Ursula School Würzburg © Fabian Lochheim
  • Research at the feeding site © Christian Schneider
  • Wild honeybees © Ingo Arndt
  • Magnifying Glass © Gerd Altmann / Pixabay
  • Figure from the “Science Barometer 2020” © Wissenschaft im Dialog/Kantar, CC BY-ND 4.0
  • Title page of “Technikradar 2020” © acatech/Körber-Stiftung
  • Prof. Kohse-Höinghaus © Norma Langohr, Universität Bielefeld
  • Reinhard Hüttl © GFZ
  • Milchstraße © Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
  • Coronavirus mask © Tumisu on Pixabay
  • Hans-Georg Kräusslich © University Hospital Heidelberg
  • Reimar Lüst © Max Planck Society
  • Martin Lohse © David Ausserhofer
  • Clapping hands © AdobeStock_picture stick
  • Paul Mühlenhoff © Stefan Diesel
  • Mathematics © Markus Scholz / Pixabay
  • Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster in his acceptance speech © Czech Technical University
  • Walther Thiel ©
  • Elly Bastian © Private
  • GDNÄ honours the publicist Gert Scobel © ZDF/Jana Kay
  • Professor Wahlster receives Grand Cross of Merit © GDNÄ
  • Lennart Resch © Yannick Resch
  • Climate targets 2030/clean air © Leopoldina
  • Monika Pastor © KRÖGER Photography & Imaging GmbH
  • Saarbrücken Assembly © Robert Koppies
  • Assembly Greifswald © van Ryck Photography
  • Klitzing © Robertus Koppies
  • Doris Peyerimhoff © Robertus Koppies
  • State medal for Eva-Maria Neher © GDNÄ
  • Group photo 2nd regional meeting © GDNÄ
  • Understandable physics © WID/Gesine Born
  • Meeting room of the Leopoldina Presidium in Halle (Saale) © Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina
  • Main building of the Leopoldina in Halle (Saale) © Markus Scholz for the Leopoldina
  • Artificial Intelligence © Gerd Altmann / Pixabay
  • Lab © PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
  • Wahlster © GDNÄ
  • People and ideas © GDNÄ
  • Executive Committee © GDNÄ
  • Gert Scobel © Gesine Born
  • Deutsches Museum Bonn © Deutsches Museum Bonn
  • Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, Jimmy Wales, Frans Timmermans, and Prof. Michelle Craske © Harry Heuts
  • Group photo 2nd regional meeting © GDNÄ
  • Data Ethics Commission © BMI
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Müllen © Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Dröscher Dorsten © GDNÄ


  • Lecture hall and 127th assembly in Göttingen © Robertus Koppies & Jens Bremme
  • Humboldt drawing © Bridgeman Images / Linnean Society of London
  • People and ideas and title page of the commemorative publication for the 71st Assembly © GDNÄ
  • Lorenz Oken Medal, Alexander von Humboldt Medal, Assembly Hall Mainz 2014, Young People for the GDNÄ © Robertus Koppies
  •  Munich Ludwigsbrücke © Deutsches Museum
  •  Tübingen 2008 © Robertus Koppies


  • Lecture hall © Robertus Koppies
  • Lecture hall and seminar building Würzburg © CTW
  • 125th Assembly Tübingen 2008 © Robertus Koppies
  • Saarbrücken 2018 © Robertus Koppies
  • Greifswald 2016 © van ryck photography
  • Mainz 2014 © Robertus Koppies
  • Göttingen 2012 © Robertus Koppies & Jens Bremme
  • Dresden 2010 © Robertus Koppies
  • Tübingen 2008 © Robertus Koppies


  • Lecture hall, Nobel Prize winner, graduation student at the 128th assembly in Mainz 2014, 126th assembly in Dresden 2010, full attendance © Robertus Koppies
  • Experiments © Robertus Koppies & Jens Bremme
  • Double joy © Stiftung Jugend forscht e.V.
  • Lennart Resch © Yannick Resch
  • Monika Pastor © KRÖGER Photography & Imaging GmbH
  • Thomas Fleischer © Jörg-Uwe Jahn


  • 128th meeting in Mainz 2014 © Robertus Koppies


  • Notepad © William Iven Pixabay


  • Office © GDNÄ
  • Portraits © GDNÄ

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